Rhyfeddod i Alpha ac Omega
Rhyfeddod i Frenin gogoniant

(Bywyd trwy Angeu Crist)
Rhyfeddod i Alpha ac Omega, 
  Creawdwr y ddaear a'r ne',
Gymmeryd ein natur a'n tlodi,
  A marw ar bren yn ein lle;
Dyrchafer ei Enw'n drag'wyddol
  Gan bob rhyw genedlaeth ac oes;
Cyd-ganed y ddaear a'r nefoedd,
  Am angeu anfeidrol
      y groes.

Ni gawsom y gwerthfawr Fessîa,
  Ymgeledd y clwyfus a'r gwan:
Rho'dd yn ewyllysgar ei hunan,
  I'r tlawd a'r colledig yn rhan:
Trugarog Samaritan anwyl
  Sy'n rhwymo archollion y gwael;
Pob peth angenrheidiol, fy enaid,
  Sydd ynddo byth imi i'w gael.

Efe sydd yn cau ac yn agor,
  Efe sydd yn lladd a bywhau;
Yr enaid mae Ef yn ei glwyfo,
  Mae'n sicr o dd'od i'w iachau;
I ddattod gweithredoedd y diafol,
  Daeth Brenin y nefoedd i lawr;
Cwymp, f'enaid, yn mreichiau trugaredd,
  Mae'n foddlawn dy dderbyn yn awr.

Fe'm dygodd o Sinai i Sion,
  I ddedwydd breswylfod i fyw:
Etifedd y felldith wrth natur
  A gafodd y íendith gan Dduw;
Yn rhad y derbyniais y cwbl,
  A gefais, o'r nefoedd i'r llawr:
Ac felly caf eto fy nghynnal,
  Nes myned i'r bywyd ryw awr.

               - - - - -

Rhyfeddod i Frenin gogoniant,
  Creawdwr y ddaear a'r nef,
Gymeryd ein natur a'n tlodi,
  A gwaedu a marw gwnaeth Ef;
Tragwyddol ddyrchafir ei enw,
  Gan bob rhyw genedlaeth ac oes,
Cydganwn trwy'r
    ddaear a'r nefoedd,
  Am angeu rhyfeddol y groes.

Efe sydd yn cau ac yn agor,
  Efe sydd yn lladd a bywâu;
Yr enaid mae Ef yn ei glwyfo,
  Mae'n sicr o dd'od i'w iachâu;
I ddatod gweithredoedd y diafol,
  Daeth Brenin y nefoedd i lawr;
Cwymp, f'enaid, yn mreichiau trugaredd,
  Mae'n foddlon dy dderbyn yn awr.
Morgan Rhys 1716-79

Tonau [9898D]:
Bethel (alaw Gymreig)
Bryniau Caersalem (Richard Mills 1809-44)

gwelir: O agor fy llygaid i weled

(Life through the Death of Christ)
A wonder that the Alpha and Omega,
  The Creator of the earth and heaven,
Should take our nature and our poverty,
  And die on a tree in our place;
Exalted be his name eternally
  By every kind of nation and age;
May the earth and heaven sing together,
  About the immeasurable
      death of the cross.

We got the precious Messiah,
  The succour of the wounded and the weak:
He gave himself willingly,
  For the poor and the lost as a portion:
The mercy of the dear Samaritan
  Who binds the wounds of the poor;
Everything needful, my soul,
  Is in him forever for me to get.

'Tis he who closes and opens,
  He who kills and makes alive;
The soul that he is wounding,
  He is sure to come to heal;
To undo the works of the devil,
  The King of heaven came down;
Fall, my soul, into the arms of mercy,
  He is willing to receive thee now.

He took me from Sinai to Zion,
  To a happy residence to live:
The heir of damnation by nature
  Who got the blessing from God;
Freely I received the whole,
  Which I got, down from heaven:
And thus I shall still get upheld,
  Until I go to the life some hour.

                - - - - -

A wonder that the King of glory,
  The Creator of the earth and heaven,
Should take our nature and our poverty,
  And bleed and die he did;
Eternally to be exalted is his name,
  By every kind of nation and age,
Let us sing together throughout
    the earth and heaven,
  About the wonderful death of the cross.

'Tis he who closes and opens,
  'Tis he who kills and makes alive;
The soul that he is wounding,
  He is sure to come to heal;
To undo the works of the devil,
  Came the King of heaven down;
Fall, my soul, into the arms of mercy,
  He is willing to receive thee now.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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